Tuesday, July 24, 2007

God's glorious Family

The past few weeks have been filled with a lot of encouragement. Two guys from ACU have been staying with us and helping out with the work here. Reid and Jeremy are in college training to be missionaries in Concepcion, Chile in 2010. They spent the summer on survey trips in South America and have planed to return to Chile. These two guys have been a huge blessing to me the past few weeks. Reid reminded me how important it is to become Christ to those we are around not just preach the gospel. Watching them love them people here made me realize that I have got to step it up. It is pretty amazing to see God's huge family working together in so many different places. The people of Chile will be extremely blessed to have those guys and I can't wait to here of the work that is done there.

Also last week two girls from ACU came for a few days. Shannon and Ashley have been in Paraguay for summer helping the church in Asuncion. Shannon is someone that is very special to me and my family. Shannon's father spent a year and half with my parents in Honduras when they went to AIM program in 1978. While she was here for a few days it was really awesome to think about our parents being together in Central America nearly 30 years ago. Shannon will be returning to Paraguay next summer and she is considering becoming a longer term missionary in South America. Pray for her that God's plan for her comes through clearly.

Yesterday was a really great day for the church. Since Lima is so big it is not possible for all the members to come together and worship at the same place. Usually we have the church meet at different locations on Sunday but on Sunday we all members meet together in a park in a central location. I was absolutely amazed with how many people showed up. There was about 140 people come. Which is a lot more than the two congregations combined, which means we had about 30 visitors. One visitor really stood out to me, his name is Christopher. I have been meeting in his grandmother's house for the past few weeks where he lives as well. I have really wanted to reach to him but since I don't know much Spanish it makes it sort of difficult. Well he came Sunday and we ate and played futbol(soccer), basketball, tennis, and real football. I had wanted to find a way to begin a friendship with this guy and it was amazing to see it just happen through being boys and having a good time. Please pray for Christopher and decisions he will be making over the next few years. He is only 14 and the choices that he makes in the next few years will be very significant.

I will be leaving today with the rest of my team for Tarma, Peru. This week is independence week for Peru. We are going to take a break for a few days and go to the jungle. I am really excited about being in the woods again. Since I was raised in the woods of south Alabama I feel so at home in the wild. The city is nice but I can only take so much before I need some air. If you have any questions about the work going on or what is going on in my life just leave a comment. Thanks for being interested in the work that God is doing down here.

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